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Question: Rumi and Rony can finish a task, working together, in 12 days. If Rony alone can finish that in 20 days, how many days will Rumi need to finish the task working alone ?
Question: Rumi and Rony can finish a task, working together, in 12 days. If Rony alone can finish that in 20 days, how many days will Rumi need to finish the task working alone ?
Question 1: Rumi and Rony can finish a task, working together, in 12 days. If Rony alone can finish that in 20 days, how many days will Rumi need to finish the task working alone ?
View topic: ঐকিক নিয়ম (Unitary Method)
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 09.10.2009
Answer: 30
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