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Question: In opening an L-C , a bank requires that a certain percent of the value of goods to be imported under the L-C is paid to the bank in advance . This part – proportion of payment is known as
Question: In opening an L-C , a bank requires that a certain percent of the value of goods to be imported under the L-C is paid to the bank in advance . This part – proportion of payment is known as
Question 1: In opening an L-C , a bank requires that a certain percent of the value of goods to be imported under the L-C is paid to the bank in advance . This part - proportion of payment is known as
View topic: অর্থনীতি
L-C Commission
L -C signing money
L -C guarantee
L -C protection money
Source: Agrani bank Ltd - Senior Officer (Cancelled) - 31.05.2013
Answer: L-C Commission
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