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Question: At the end of given passage , some inferences drawn or supposed to be drawn from the paragraph are given. On the basis of the study of the paragraph, point out whether the inferences is- (a) Definitely true (b) Definitely false (c) probably true (d) probably false (e) can’t say. Political freedom is incomplete and had little meaning without economic independence. Until the battle for economic independence is won, the emerging nation will be subjected to external pressure, which must be resisted. Bangladesh though herself in the throes of development has assisted the developing nations. Developing nations must be helped by the other developing nations.
Question: At the end of given passage , some inferences drawn or supposed to be drawn from the paragraph are given. On the basis of the study of the paragraph, point out whether the inferences is- (a) Definitely true (b) Definitely false (c) probably true (d) probably false (e) can’t say. Political freedom is incomplete and had little meaning without economic independence. Until the battle for economic independence is won, the emerging nation will be subjected to external pressure, which must be resisted. Bangladesh though herself in the throes of development has assisted the developing nations. Developing nations must be helped by the other developing nations.
Question 1: At the end of given passage , some inferences drawn or supposed to be drawn from the paragraph are given. On the basis of the study of the paragraph, point out whether the inferences is- (a) Definitely true (b) Definitely false (c) probably true (d) probably false (e) can't say. Political freedom is incomplete and had little meaning without economic independence. Until the battle for economic independence is won, the emerging nation will be subjected to external pressure, which must be resisted. Bangladesh though herself in the throes of development has assisted the developing nations. Developing nations must be helped by the other developing nations.
View topic: বাংলাদেশের কৃষি, শিল্প, বাণিজ্য ও সম্পদ
Definitely true
Definitely false
probably true
probably false
Source: One Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 06.08.2010
Answer: probably true
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