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Question: Q.(1-4): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. * F,G and H are insurance companies , Q,R,S and T are private detectives .Each detective works for at least one of the insurance companies. * Q always works for F and at least one of the other companies. Some of the time G employs only one of these detectives,’ the rest of the time it employs exactly two of them. *F and H each employ exactly two of these detectives all the time. If R works for H only, and if S works for G and H only, T works for–
Question: Q.(1-4): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. * F,G and H are insurance companies , Q,R,S and T are private detectives .Each detective works for at least one of the insurance companies. * Q always works for F and at least one of the other companies. Some of the time G employs only one of these detectives,’ the rest of the time it employs exactly two of them. *F and H each employ exactly two of these detectives all the time. If R works for H only, and if S works for G and H only, T works for–
Question 1: Q.(1-4): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. * F,G and H are insurance companies , Q,R,S and T are private detectives .Each detective works for at least one of the insurance companies. * Q always works for F and at least one of the other companies. Some of the time G employs only one of these detectives,' the rest of the time it employs exactly two of them. *F and H each employ exactly two of these detectives all the time. If R works for H only, and if S works for G and H only, T works for--
View topic: বিবিধ সাধারন জ্ঞান
F only
G only
H only
both F and G
Source: United Commercial Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 18.11.2011
Answer: F only
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