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Question: Sakib is taller than Sajib , Rajib is taller than Mozib , Mozib is shorter than Hafiz, Sajib and Hafiz are of the same height. If the above is true , which of the following conditions must also be true?
Question: Sakib is taller than Sajib , Rajib is taller than Mozib , Mozib is shorter than Hafiz, Sajib and Hafiz are of the same height. If the above is true , which of the following conditions must also be true?
Question 1: Sakib is taller than Sajib , Rajib is taller than Mozib , Mozib is shorter than Hafiz, Sajib and Hafiz are of the same height. If the above is true , which of the following conditions must also be true?
View topic: মানুষিক দক্ষতা
Sajib is taller than Hafiz
Sakib is taller than Mozib
Rajib is taller than sakib
Sajib is taller than Rajib
Source: Bank Asia Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 22.05.2015
Answer: Sakib is taller than Mozib
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