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Question: For each question, select the word-phrase you think is closet in meaning to the word-phrase underlined. : Rana decided to pursue his career in developmental field “in lieu of” sitting in his father’s business.
Question: For each question, select the word-phrase you think is closet in meaning to the word-phrase underlined. : Rana decided to pursue his career in developmental field “in lieu of” sitting in his father’s business.
Question 1: For each question, select the word-phrase you think is closet in meaning to the word-phrase underlined. : Rana decided to pursue his career in developmental field "in lieu of" sitting in his father's business.
View topic: Clauses and Phrases
in accordance
in stead of
along with
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Trainee Officer - 24.09.2010
Answer: in stead of
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Antarctica ------ many icebergs. (Select the appropriate word-phrase from the options provided, so that the word-phrase appropriately fills in the gap in each sentence.)
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