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Question: Choose the exact meaning of idomatic expressions- phrases. To have cold feet
Question: Choose the exact meaning of idomatic expressions- phrases. To have cold feet
Question 1: Choose the exact meaning of idomatic expressions- phrases. To have cold feet
View topic: Clauses and Phrases
to be reluctant
to pay much attention to
to fell very cold
to pour water on something
Source: Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation - Officer - 10.11.2017
Answer: to be reluctant
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Select the word or phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the quotation word or phrase. The place was indeed 'grotesque'.
Select the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. To answer accurately is more important than -----
I would drink tea than coffee.
Pros and cons' phrase টির অর্থ ----
Each of the following questions consists of a word or phrase which is italicized bold in the sentence given . It is followed by certain words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the italicized bold word or phrase. The palace was indeed grotesque.
Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word : EXECRABEL
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