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Question: When will you mail that letter?
Question: When will you mail that letter?
Question 1: When will you mail that letter?
View topic: Errors and Corrections
Last night
After School
To Karim
By Kabir
Source: Dhaka Bank Ltd - Trainee Officer - 24.06.2016
Answer: After School
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Air pollution caused by industrial fumes "has" been studied for years, "but " only recently "has" the harmful effects of noise pollution "become" known.
The doctor's offer (P) not only saved Julie (Q) but enabled her to blossom into a happy woman (R) from the jaws of death (S) of marriage
Point out which part is grammatically incorrect. 'Good people will make good laws ' 'but good' 'laws passed by a few' 'does not necessarily make' 'a good society' 'No error'
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Identify the incorrect part of the sentences : Dam is a wall constructed across a valley to enclose an area in which water is stored.
Select the quotation word or phrases that needs correction. "Too many" managers "at" a meeting "creates" "an" indecision.
There are blank spaces in the following passage which have been numbered . These numbers are printed below the passage and against each some words are suggested . Find out the word that best fit the blank spaces. Global Strategies to control infective disease have historically included the erection of barriers to international travel and ___ (24) _______. Keeping people with such deadly disease outside national borders has ___ (25) _______ as an important public health policy in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic . Betwwn 29 and 50 countries ___ (26) _____ to have introduced border restrictions on HIV _ positive foreigners ,usually those planning an ___ (27) ___ stay in the country , such as students , workers or seamen.
A. Delta Brac Housing (DBH) , which will, B. another TK. 100 crore mutual fund, sponsored by, C. the market regulator also gave consent to, C. hit the market in January next year
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