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Question: On the other hand if want to attend a computer seminar, lie in the first day of summer or visit Aunt Grace on Columbus day, you can easily take the day off Which correction should be made to the sentence?
Question: On the other hand if want to attend a computer seminar, lie in the first day of summer or visit Aunt Grace on Columbus day, you can easily take the day off Which correction should be made to the sentence?
Question 1: On the other hand if want to attend a computer seminar, lie in the first day of summer or visit Aunt Grace on Columbus day, you can easily take the day off Which correction should be made to the sentence?
View topic: Errors and Corrections
Remove the cmma after day
Change Columbus day to Columbus Day
Change summer to Summer
Remove the comma after seminar
Source: Management Trainee Officer (MTO) 20.07.2018
Answer: Change Columbus day to Columbus Day
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