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Question: (i) The facts speak for themselves so they need exposition only, not demonstration. (ii) At present , it is widely recognized that the Indian subcontinent holds the balance in world wide competition between rival ideologies. (iii) It is not of course , only in geographical perspective that the subcontinent is in a key position. (iv) The subcontinents’s key position simply needs pointing out.
Question: (i) The facts speak for themselves so they need exposition only, not demonstration. (ii) At present , it is widely recognized that the Indian subcontinent holds the balance in world wide competition between rival ideologies. (iii) It is not of course , only in geographical perspective that the subcontinent is in a key position. (iv) The subcontinents’s key position simply needs pointing out.
Question 1: (i) The facts speak for themselves so they need exposition only, not demonstration. (ii) At present , it is widely recognized that the Indian subcontinent holds the balance in world wide competition between rival ideologies. (iii) It is not of course , only in geographical perspective that the subcontinent is in a key position. (iv) The subcontinents's key position simply needs pointing out.
View topic: Errors and Corrections
(iv) + (ii) + (i) + (iii)
(ii) + (iii) + (iv) + (i)
(ii) + (iv) + (iii) + (i)
(iii) + (i) + (ii) + (iv)
Source: BASIC Bank Ltd - Assistant Manager - 06.01.2012
Answer: (ii) + (iii) + (iv) + (i)
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