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Question: S1: Love for the country is a necessity . S6 God created the globe , but man drew lines of hatred and enmity on it . P. Similarly, nationalism has to be sacrificed at the altar of internationalizing. Q. But it should in no way exceed the limits and take the she of jingoism. R. provincialism has to be sacrificed in the interest of the nation as a whole. S: There is no reason why the nations of the world cannot live together with harmony and peace. The proper sequence should be__
Question: S1: Love for the country is a necessity . S6 God created the globe , but man drew lines of hatred and enmity on it . P. Similarly, nationalism has to be sacrificed at the altar of internationalizing. Q. But it should in no way exceed the limits and take the she of jingoism. R. provincialism has to be sacrificed in the interest of the nation as a whole. S: There is no reason why the nations of the world cannot live together with harmony and peace. The proper sequence should be__
Question 1: S1: Love for the country is a necessity . S6 God created the globe , but man drew lines of hatred and enmity on it . P. Similarly, nationalism has to be sacrificed at the altar of internationalizing. Q. But it should in no way exceed the limits and take the she of jingoism. R. provincialism has to be sacrificed in the interest of the nation as a whole. S: There is no reason why the nations of the world cannot live together with harmony and peace. The proper sequence should be__
View topic: Errors and Corrections
Source: দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশনের সহকারী পরিচালক-১২.০৪.২০১৩
Answer: QRPS
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