ans: 500 Students.
Students failed in Mathmatics = (100 – 80) = 20%
Students failed in Bangla = (100 – 90) = 10%
Students failed in Mathmatics and Bangle = 30%
Students passed in both subjects = (100 — 30) = 70%
Since 70 students passed in both subjects, then total students were = 100 students
Since 350 students passed in both subjects, then total student were =500 student
ans: Tk. 26.69%
The interest of Tk. 1200 for 3 years is Tk. = (2161 – 1200)Tk = Tk. 961
The interest of Tk. 1 for 3 years is Tk. =$\frac{961}{1200}$ Tk.
The interest of Tk 1 for 1 years is Tk.= $\frac{961}{1200×3}$TK
The interest of TK 100 for 1 years is Tk. =$\frac{961×100}{1200×3}$=26.69%
$\frac{8}{6}x\frac{35}{3}$x$\frac{9}{140}$ = 1
ans: The area of Bangladesh is1444120.76
Total area of Bangladesh = 55,600 sq miles
We know, 1 mile= 1.61 km
1 sq. mile= 1.61 x 1.61
55,600 sq.mile = 1.61 x l.6l x 55,600
= 144120.76
Days rest = (80 – 20) = 60 days
Work rest =(I -$\frac{1}{5}$) =$\frac{4}{5}$
$\frac{1}{5}$ work takes 20 days by = 60 persons
$\frac{4}{5}$work takes 1 days by =$\frac{60\times 5\times 20 \times 4}{5}$ person
$\frac{4}{5}$work takes 60 days by =$\frac{60\times 5\times 20 \times 4}{5\times60}$=80 person
More persons are to be employed = (80 —60) = 20
ans: Tk. 8,80,000.
Total price of ordinary shares = (2,00,000 x 10)= 20,00,000 Tk
Total Price of debentures = (50,000 x 100) TK
= 50,00,000 Tk
At 9% interest of ordinary share
Tk. 100 makes interest = Tk. 9
Tk. 20,00,000 makes interest = Tk $\frac{9×20,00,000}{100}$= Tk. 1,80,000
A 10% interest of debenture,
Let Tk. 100 make interest – Tk. l0
Tk. 50,00,000 makes interest = $\frac{9×50,00,000}{100}$ = Tk. 5,00,000
The total profit of the com pany = Tk. (5.00.000 + 1,80,000 + 2,00,000) =Tk. 8,80,000
ans: 500 troops.
The Stored food lasted 30 days for =2,000 troops
The Stored food lasted 40 days for=$\frac{2000×30}{40}$troops= 1,500 troops
The number of withdrawned soldiers = (2,000 — 1,500) =500 troops